The Warrior


Now i want to talk about the warrior of Terengganu. In Terengganu, there are two warriors are really famous in Terengganu. They are Allahyarham Haji Abdul Rahman Limbong and Allahyarham Tokku Syed Saggaf Bin Syed Abdul Rahman Al-Idrus. Here i have share a lot of  detail about them . I hope you all will enjoy it :)


Scholars fighters in this article is the complete name Limbong Haji Abdur Rahman bin Haji Abdul Hamid bin Haji Abdul Qadir. H/1868M born in 1285, died in Mecca, H/1929M 1347. His grandparents originated from Patani and Rajasthan. Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong well as Tok Ku Paloh teacher, being a practitioner of Sufism Sufi Sammaniyah. While Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong a sufi, but he was also wise in the nitty turn the question the world. This can be proved by repeatedly he argued in court for defending people who were sued by the British government. Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong is a Sufi who was a lawyer. I conclude only that Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong should we know, in the world of Sufi hands are always clean-telling of rosary count.

In court, speak fluent verbal defense of the truth which rests the command of Allah and the messenger. Rather than defend the laws of men. In the ring can also play the field fighting weapon. Living in the world is afraid of anything except for God's wrath for disobeying Allah and His Messenger. Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong gain knowledge of basic education from a young Muslim in Mecca. The most important personal shape when a child is Tun Haji Muhammad, one of his uncle. When he got back to Terengganu education from Haji Haji Jacob and Moses. Both scholars that lived in swamps Flowers. Further personal form Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong become a Sufi and a jihadist is Tok Ku Paloh, a famous scholar of Rajasthan.

Tok Ku Paloh also is a fighter (see more titles Tok Ku Paloh Al-Aidrus, Defender of Islam and the Malays (18 September 2006). Having mastered a solid and adequate knowledge Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong actively teaching community in Hulu Terengganu. If we carefully His books are taught covering several disciplines. Among them are al-Ajrumiyah to the Mutammiman and Tashil Nail al-Amani on grammar knowledge, all in Arabic. Matn Umm al-Barahin, on knowledge of monotheism. For more strengthening was also taught the book Message of Malay books, which are certainly not negligible, is Faridah al-Faraid and ad-Durr-Tsamin ats.

Arabic Book of jurisprudence ever taught by Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong Kitab ut-Tahrir and knowledge of Sufism is Hidayah as-salikin and ad-Durr an-Nafis both in Malay. In addition to teaching, Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong is a scholar who love to travel or travel to various countries. Financially to travel is not difficult for him as a place where he treads, there are just people who want to become his disciples. Adventures close to Rajasthan in between is Beserah, Kuantan, both in Pahang. Further Kelantan, Patani, Orissa and others.

Overseas states ever traveled is Sambas, Jambi, Riau and Brunei. In these states there are also overseas students Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong. His adventure to the states has a long story, but that can be expressed here is about the only Sambas and Riau Islands. Ship in the sea, Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong use man-made Rajasthan own boat. He sailed along with his students from Rajasthan and sailors in those days, that they were using boats with large dimensions that can be loaded goods ranging from 100 to 350 tons.

Among the many places occupied by people who are from that identified in the Riau Islands are in Kuala Maras in Jemaja Islands, Islands and Island Midai SIANTAN. In Sambas also is in the village of Aurangabad, District Sentebang. Aurangabad name was given by the people of Rajasthan as a recognition of their native land, the Aurangabad in Rajasthan. Aurangabad's name remains in use today. Believed in such places never explored and receive instruction from Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong.

Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong name I've heard since childhood from my mother, Hajah Wan Zainab bint Shaykh Ahmad al-Fathani when he narrates the construction of a mosque in West Sumatra, Island Midai, that the main building material is wood cengal. All brought from Rajasthan with a big boat. The ingredients are all finish construction in Rajasthan's left alone on the island Midai pairs. Mosque to 1969 still stands proudly but while the leader in the person who does not understand the values ​​of history, the mosque was destroyed and a new building erected. The historical value that still remains is a pulpit decorated carvings. The pulpit was also from Rajasthan. The first Imam of the mosque is Abdur Rahman bin Haji Wan Wan Abu Bakar who was educated in the Mecca. Trusted Abdur Rahman bin Haji Wan Abu Bakar Wan met with Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong since both lived in Mecca again. Haji Abdur Rahman further Limbong had also reached the Seven Islands, including Kuala Maras and Midai Island mentioned above.

Ages and ages ago now the same, that people who are not in favor of the truth think that winning is the truth. The loser of that thought wrong. Everlastingly world history notes that fraud and traitor particular race or religion when the fight was always in favor of the enemy. But when conditions are safe, they were claiming to be fighters or fighter religious nation.

Malay world is inseparable from matter. Indonesia fought against the Dutch, the Malay Peninsula and Siam against British, Muslims, against Siam and Patani Malay Muslim Mindanao against the Philippines. During the year 1920 to the year 1928 occurred Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong movement and of the peasants in Hulu Terengganu against the English. Though most people are Muslim Malays who support his struggle against British colonial rule, but there are also some Muslim traitor and too confident against British colonial rule. All the occupying colonial race a race anywhere in the world is in fact illegal.

Therefore, in our time who has independent right now, Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong struggle and thousands of followers is appropriate and lawful international law. Let alone reviewed from the perspective of Islamic jihad mandates us when we are occupied by people who are not Muslims. However, when English was still the colonial race in Rajasthan, so liciknya H. W. Thomson and J. L. Humphreys to report the situation to be otherwise. Allegedly, Haji Abdur Rahman and his followers Limbong is as traitors to legitimate rule. Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong eventually arrested and thrown into Singapore and subsequently removed to Mecca in 1928. A year later (in 1929 AD), scholar of Islamic and Malay fighters died. History records that the reasons for rebellion arise because people feel disadvantaged farmers by the British.

In the 1920s, the British intervened to administer land in Kuala Telemong to the Ulu Telemong. Every acre of land that is open to people taxed by the British.
If we are free and independent thinking, what the English rights suddenly collecting taxes in the state which has long been self-governing when they are simply a nation of immigrants. Which is why, Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong in his arguments to the court that the land was opened by the people of God rather than the states' rights. Perhaps the purpose of the state is the British colonial intervention.

Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong insisted that the land they possess is a land legacy of their elders who came from Johor together with the Sultan Zainal Abidin I, Sultan of the first. From this story we can conclude that the Malay Muslims in Hulu Terengganu in 1920 again, under the guidance of Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong, had known identity, know of his rights, knew of the motherland, and know of your own race.

Thus, the English colonial nations tried to intervene in land administration must be opposed. We should thank to scholars such as Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong that has opened the eyes of the sons of the people know the true teachings of Islam that Muslim Malays thus is self-esteem do not get tricked by the colonial race.


He was one among the many children to Syed Abdul Rahman Bin Syed Muhammad al-Idrus or popularly known as Tok Ku Paloh, who was one of the learned men of religion in the history of the State while his mother Binti Wan Abdullah Wan Ngah is the grandson of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Hill Bayas, first State Mufti.

My Tok Syed Saggaf has continued his father's legacy in the wise deceive and prevent the British from intervention and to extend their influence in the State.

He was an advisor to the Royal Palace in Rajasthan in the reign of Sultan Ismail Nasiruddin Shah. Because honor of his services, he was awarded the title 'Hang Kelana The Royal' the only title that is rarely given and only awarded to recipients from among the descendants of Syed.

My Tok Saggaf Syed was born in Downstream, Kuala Terengganu from the Syed families are deeply religious. He received his early education from Tok Ku Paloh own and after the death of his father by Haji Abdul Rahman Limbong who was one of my pupils Tok Paloh and heroic freedom fighter who led opposition to the local population against the British occupation.

In his lifetime, many of which will focus on the place he came to study Islam and some of the people who have come from outside the State like Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and from other countries such as Indonesia, Thailand and Cambodia, for example.

He was awarded a piece of land at the former Cotton Gong, Sultan Mohamad Sultan son of Sultan Zainal Abidin III to his ordering and teach Islam. In it, he has created a self-sufficient community where he was planning and organizing the population consisting of his wife, his children and his followers and also held their needs such as prayer facilities for religious study and a outer ring to teach her martial arts.

Not only my Tok Syed Saggaf an educated in religion but he is also good at martial arts and a masters silat melayu make weapons such as keris. During his lifetime he has produced some fifteen very fine weapons and high quality which is up to these days, and the fugitive lovers desirable antique and art lovers.

My Tok Syed Saggaf remains a very humble and ordinary looks to end hanyatnya even though he had a high ranking and influential in the Royal Palace and very loved by the people of Terengganu. He died in 1953 before he could reveal a sight of the spirit of independence and political agility will long be remembered by the people of the State.

He has left many offspring and among them was Mr. Ehran, Mr. Jalal, Mr. Saibi, Mr. Saripah and Mr. Lok Lok.

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